My Carbon Monoxide Exposures  1977-1987

December 1977- February 1978   exposure - paint stripper (1) several hours a day evening and weekends with no ventilation, cigarette smoke (2) - several co-workers smoking in a small space for 10 hours per work day, auto exhaust (3)  for 10 hours per day - sat next to the office entry door which opened into an underground parking garage.

February 1978 - [Start of "illness"]
severe physical and emotional stress (4) 

Winter 1978-9 Ice Fog (6) walking 2 hours daily.
Ice Fog on College road, Fairbanks, Alaska

                                                                                                                                                                  Fairbanks, Ak   I walked  to and from work,                                                                                           three miles each way in the ice fog during the                                                                                           winter of 1978.

February 1978 - July 1979 cigarette smoke, copy fluid (6),  12 people smoking in a small, very tightly sealed room, for 8 or more hours per day.

1980-1984 Oil burning furnace with a crack in the fire box (5), in a tightly closed house, wood stove (5) burning in a tightly closed house, cigarette smoke and copy inks.

1985-1987 Oil burning home heater and water heater,  wood stove,  paint and solvents  all in a very tightly closed house (9),

Notes about sources of Carbon monoxide 
(1)Avoid using liquid paints and solvents that contain dichloromethane, for the same reason, and if you must use them, do so only outside in fresh air or with plenty of ventilation  ........dichloromethane, which the human body breaks down slowly into CO.
(2)If you smoke, quit, and do not let anyone else smoke in your home, vehicle, or workplace.
(4)Avoid excessive exposure to mental and physical stressors  See the article for more about how carbon monoxide is produced in the body as a stress messenger.
(3)Avoid idling or even starting vehicles in unventilated attached garages. 
(5)Carbon monoxide  ...  is produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas  "consumer products safety commission, on their web page.
(6) Ice fog